Comparing the thoughts of Shia and Sunni commentators in explaining the reasons for the revelation of jurisprudential verses (A case study of the opinions of Tabrisi, Vahedi and Soyuti)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor at University of Holy Quran Sciences and knowledge, Tehran, Iran


The importance of the reason of revelation in the interpretation of all the verses of the Qur'an, especially in the explanation of the jurisprudential verses, can't be neglected due to its direct influence on the practice of Muslims and is of special importance. Using the historical, descriptive-analytical method and collecting library information, this research compares the viewpoints of Religions on the causes of revelation. The researcher aims to examine the narrations of the causes of the revelation in the interpretation of the Majma al-Bayan Tabrisi, Asbab al-Nozoul Vahedi and Labab al-Nuqul Soyuti, to explain their point of view under the jurisprudential verses in two areas: the effect of the causes of the revelation on the correct understanding of the verse and the scope of sharing and differentiating the views of Shia and Sunni and the origin of their differences and from this passage, he will find their common points in this regard. The author has first mentioned the investigation of the position of the cause of revelation in Tafsir, and in the following, the viewpoint of these three thinkers has been investigated. The common method among them is the descriptive and reporting method, and in the meantime, Tabrisi has paid attention to criteria such as the general validity of the text, compatibility with the appearance and context, the criterion of history, the criterion of religion, and adherence to his Shiite point of view. Vahedi has based his foundation on the transmission of narrations, and in most cases, the narration explains the cause of revelation in detail, although sometimes he has stated the reason without a document and sometimes with interpretations such as mostly, and Soyuti used criteria such as Makki and Madani, the evidence of narrations, and attention to Ibn Hajar's opinion to prefer the reasons of revelation. In the researcher's opinion, the difference between these three books in the quality of using the sources of the revelations of movables comes back to the criterion of the authenticity of the hadith. It seems that there is a difference in the acceptance criteria of the narration.


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